I took quite a leap of faith when I ordered this film because the IMDb comments weren't very favourable
and the DVD cost £22 because it was a Dutch import. Simon is utterly fantastic. I do find some of the plot unbelievable though.
One of the first scenes of the film is Dave and Elaine on the porch. He is working but interrupts that
in order to kiss her - and they pass an ice cube from mouth to mouth - not the act of a couple whose
sexual relationship has gone off the boil IMO. If Elaine is supposed to drool over a young boy just minutes
later in the film I think that Dave should've given her a quick peck and then carried on with his work. The
viewer might then understand why his wife appears frustrated.
The only sign of discord in their relationship appears when he corrects her grammar - other than that they
seem very happy. So why does she so easily allow herself to be jumped by Chet?
The classroom scenes are excellent. When Heather asks him if his wife is pretty and the photo scene - which made me laugh out loud. We see that Dave has daily temptation but easily resists - something his wife can't do.
The day after Elaine tells him Dave is late for school and has forgotten the relevant books. The few seconds where he swears and then looks at the class are magic, as is the terribly sad scene in the loo.
The scene where Chet visits Dave in school is another master class by Simon but again I found the story unbelievable - Dave was taken by surprise. If he had known Chet was coming perhaps he would've planned to still invite him on the Disney trip - to make Elaine uncomfortable - to try to get his own back on Chet - but he didn't have any time to plan and we are to believe that he went from "You ****** my wife" to "Let's all go to Disney" in about 4 minutes??
My very favourite scene is when Dave has been stabbed. The pipsqeak boy has told him that his wife doesn't want him any more and she didn't disagree. The pipsqueak has stabbed him (accidentally really) and his wife is just gawping at him. GAWPING. Simon portrays Dave's complete humiliation brilliantly. Oscar standard I reckon.
This could have been a brilliant film. IMO they should've left out references to Cambodia, left out the lesbian baby and provided more reasons why Elaine behaved as she did.
I mean. Look at the scenes with Gregory Smith and Simon. What sane woman wouldn't choose Simon?
Come on!!