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Gallery Updates - Part 1
amanda Date: Friday, 13-Jun-14, 8:45 AM | Message # 736
Messages: 123
Status: Offline
Quote psyred ()
It's the best solution. I'm a french member of " frenchboard site" and I don't appreciate last coments for my site and Hypnoweb. We don't have the monopoly of simon's news, pictures and on google, instagram, twitter etc..We have the same problem like you. We have the same sources !! we took so us news that we find by internet..So I prefer go away of your site..

I think, everybody can take informations, share and publish them on their own site. We all "work" for "Simon Baker's community".
The rule is simply to quote the origine of the information. That's a question of politeness and respect wink
Fran Date: Friday, 13-Jun-14, 9:48 AM | Message # 737
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 4127
Status: Offline
I have considered watermarking in the past, but it didn't feel right to me - I don't own the photos and anyway I try to provide a link to the original source. And most of the time it doesn't bother me, the majority of photos are easily found and widely published. But just occasionally when I've made a special effort to find and capture something, it's a little annoying. Together with the fact that someone in the 'Friends' group is clearly not a friend - even though I know that already, there are several people who participate enough so they can be included in that group but are really just using the site as a resource. So the idea of 'Friends' is not entirely successful but at least it stops people from joining the site, downloading a load of photos and then disappearing.

Quote amanda ()
I think, everybody can take informations, share and publish them on their own site. We all "work" for "Simon Baker's community".
The rule is simply to quote the origine of the information. That's a question of politeness and respect

(psyred - I've got your email and will reply to it shortly)
June Date: Friday, 13-Jun-14, 3:26 PM | Message # 738
Bee's Knees
Messages: 585
Status: Offline
I don't like watermarked photos. I always try to replace all them by originals if it's possible. As everybody has said it's all about respect and politeness, simple as that.
About the Friends group, I think it's the best idea to avoid some kind of people although to control everyone and their intentions is not possible. However we all should be proud of this site, there is nothing better. We had clear the rules since the beginning and that we are still here means we're agree with that. Your work is priceless, Fran.

Message edited by June - Friday, 13-Jun-14, 3:28 PM
Ivana Date: Friday, 13-Jun-14, 4:16 PM | Message # 739
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 1223
Status: Offline
Fran, thank you for the best Simon Baker fan site in the world
And thanks for the gallery update, these Land of the Dead premiere photos are fantastic!
psyred Date: Friday, 13-Jun-14, 10:16 PM | Message # 740
Messages: 5
Status: Offline
I'm totally agree with you. It' a question of RESPECT between us. I just don't appreciate that somoene accuse my site and Hypnoweb. I'm just an always complaining french !! Lol biggrin Ok the story for me is resolving.

Thank you Fran smile
sleepylover215 Date: Tuesday, 17-Jun-14, 4:16 AM | Message # 741
Ankle Biter
Messages: 22
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Fran, I only suggest watermarking because as Simon's popularity grows, so will the desire for archival information and pics. In the internet age sadly respect is at a minimum, what's to stop an unscrupulous person from using your site as a library and not putting in the time it takes to gather this information themselves? Watermarks would at least discourage some of this activity. Just a suggestion, thanks for all that you do smile
Tina Date: Tuesday, 17-Jun-14, 8:45 AM | Message # 742
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 2066
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I think that watermarks could maybe be removed by somebody with a little talent with photoshop...unless they are in the middle of the face, and that would be not so nice for us who want to collect and keep the photos. I don't like watermarks, but I understand if somebody put them on to protect the photos.
It's just sad that it's even necessary ...that people can't respect it if somebody posts photos.
Evy Date: Tuesday, 17-Jun-14, 9:17 AM | Message # 743
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 1233
Status: Offline
The watermark is not the solution : we have ourselves our sources that we quote each time.
Why we should watermark photos which do not belong to us and that we found on twitter or instagram or elsewhere ??

We only want respecting to quote or to thank the website where the person took the information (photo, article, anything else....) if that wasn't done directly on the original source wink
That's all.
Fran Date: Tuesday, 17-Jun-14, 10:36 AM | Message # 744
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 4127
Status: Offline
Ivana - you're very welcome. I've always had a bit of a soft spot for the Land of the Dead premiere pics, partly I think because it amuses me that he looks so different to the way he looked in the film.

sleepylover215 - you're right of course, there are unscrupulous people who will use the site that way, there already have been, that's one of the reasons I introduced the Friends group (the final straw was when someone was using an automated process to effortlessly download hundreds of photos - needless to say I blocked them immediately). As for watermarking, I'm keeping it in mind as a possibility for rare photos which have involved significant work, making an unwatermarked version available to a select few. Actually though, I'm not sure Simon's popularity will increase, I think he may be at his peak at the moment. Once The Mentalist finishes I think a lot of people will lose interest and things will be much quieter.
Mossibecca Date: Tuesday, 17-Jun-14, 9:34 PM | Message # 745
Bee's Knees
Messages: 540
Status: Offline
Fran that is sad, but I think you are the moment, he is in our living rooms weekly (thank goodness) but once he leaves TM and does his thing with films and the like.....whether it is in front of or behind the camera..... he wont be as in the public eye, so there will only be those of us who just like his work and admire his talents that remain. At the moment he is' making hay while the sun shines' and hopefully this will make it possible to do what he really loves and is interested in.
beautyfulbabyboy Date: Tuesday, 17-Jun-14, 9:50 PM | Message # 746
True Blue
Messages: 782
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Quote Mossibecca ()
At the moment he is' making hay while the sun shines'

sorry, I know we´re talking serious here, but I had to smile about this saying because I didn´t know it and it just perfectly describes what, well, what is meant.
Thank you, Mossibecca, for putting this smile on my face!
(let the sun shine)

Message edited by beautyfulbabyboy - Tuesday, 17-Jun-14, 9:51 PM
Mossibecca Date: Wednesday, 18-Jun-14, 10:50 AM | Message # 747
Bee's Knees
Messages: 540
Status: Offline
I wasn't sure if the saying was known in other countries, but I am glad that you liked it BBB....and yes now I have a vision of Simon wielding a scythe, making hay in the bright sunshine, on his farm in THAT'S a thought!! biggrin
Ivana Date: Wednesday, 18-Jun-14, 4:02 PM | Message # 748
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 1223
Status: Offline
Wow Fran, nice new pics in the gallery, thaks smile
Those from Smith press are great, and the ones from the party I've never seen before, it looks he had a fun with the ladies wink
I've found on tumblr today one pic from photographer Ben Watts that is not in his section in your gallery
Tanja Date: Thursday, 19-Jun-14, 5:55 AM | Message # 749
Rip Snorter
Messages: 471
Status: Offline
Source I've got it from @simonbakersmile

Fran Date: Thursday, 19-Jun-14, 10:20 AM | Message # 750
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 4127
Status: Offline
Thanks Ivana & Tanja up
Part of being a celebrity I guess - you're having a nice time enjoying a rugby match and then you have to pose for a pic with a politician wacko
The Ben Watts photo prompted me to find a couple of others I hadn't got in the Gallery.

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