Interesting comments, they’ve given me pause for thought. I’ve always believed that Red John has a network of disciples, a sort of cult. But I do believe he’s the leader and the driving force. So for me, his death would provide a satisfactory end to the series.
I hadn’t thought about it being a triumph for Red John to be killed by Patrick, but I like that idea. I think Red John loves to corrupt people, its a sort of power play, so yes perhaps he would feel quite elated to have forced Patrick into becoming a murderer.
I’ve also never considered the possibility that the series could end with Patrick’s death. But I really don’t want him to die, or end up in prison with a life sentence. Both those situations would be too sad for me to bear. I need a happy ending.
My ideal scenario is pretty much the same as Kath’s. I want Patrick’s journey to include him coming to terms with his guilt, and finding redemption through constructive actions rather than destructive ones. And for him to realise that he values his life and the people in it. I know, its quite a journey, but we still have another 4 years to go, so anything is possible.
But Red John has to die, otherwise it would feel like there was unfinished business. And I would be very happy for Lisbon to kill him, with justifiable cause so that she wouldn’t be prosecuted. And yes, I also hope that Patrick wouldn’t resent her doing that, but would feel grateful that he hadn’t had to resort to murder.