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    2003 Pittsburgh location report-1
    06-Jan-11, 5:33 PM
    The Guardian – Pittsburgh location report (The Guardian Angels) August 2003
    I was delighted that Simon recognized The Guardian Angels, and spoke to us several times throughout the week. In fact, it was hot and humid all week. One afternoon in Donora, the Ice Cream Man in his truck was selling treats to the locals watching the filming. One of the crew members asked the driver to pull up to the edge of the "set" and cast and crew enjoyed the cool treats. The TGAs and Simon happened to be choosing at the same time, and ended up chatting while they ate their ice cream. He was relaxed and smiled and laughed a lot -- the polar opposite of Nick Fallin. He asked again where we were from and what our husbands thought of our making this trip. He didn't sign autographs, but had signed lots of posts cards with his picture on them before coming to PA. His bodyguard would pass them out to the spectators.

    At other times throughout the week we talked about Australian treats and about how much we enjoyed the show. We asked if he had any favorite episodes, and he mentioned Causality. He said Nick had been using coke before the meeting with the Sloans and lied to his father.

    On Thursday morning we went to PPG place, a beautiful courtyard with a huge central fountain, surrounded by the six mirrored glass PPG buildings, each topped with spires. The TGAs
    arrived about the time the crew did. We sat and watched as the crew set up the equipment, and director Joan Tewkesbury rehearsed with Simon and the guest star. Simon signed a few autographs between shots, and I overheard him express a wish to join the children playing in the fountain. I've often wondered if Simon Baker would be as handsome in person as he is on television. Ladies, he's even more so! The lean figure, tawny skin and sunkissed curls -- ah, the man is truly dazzling. The amazing thing is that as hot as it was, Simon remained cool and crisp looking, befitting his Sun God stature. (After each scene he would hastily take off his woollen jacket and hand it to the fellow in charge of wardrobe; the wardrobe guy held an umbrella over Simon's head in between takes trying to keep him cool.)
    Category: Close Encounters | Added by: Fran
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