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    1993 Interview for Smash Hits
    16-Nov-10, 1:19 AM
    Smash hits (1993)

    I’d love to play a musician someday but I can’t see my making a record with my voice.

    Everyday is a new experience and I’m learning something everyday. I’ve got that sort of hunger, that desire to want to learn more and more and more. Hopefully I’ll progress farther down the line. I’d like to do films, theatre, so different mediums.

    I’m very new to the industry so I’m learning, picking up things and I’ve learnt a lot from the actors I’ve met. I’ve known a few actors for a while, before I was in the industry. Umm, It’s a pretty risky industry, sort of hit and miss. You can be a hit one day and a miss the next day, flash in the pan.

    That’s a real funny question. "If my hair went straight would I perm it? What do you think? Pauses , winces "No personally, I wouldn’t want to. I’ve got curly hair and I don’t think it will ever go straight, for some reason. But possibly something might come up, I might have some kind of role where I have to have straight hair or something and I might straighten it. But I wouldn’t self indulge and perm it, unless it became fabulously hip like it did in the 70’s. My father had permed hair.

    I do my own laundry and I like it, it’s great fun.

    I recycle (louder) recycle RE-CYCLE. I have three different categories of rubbish in my house, which can become a chore but it’s for the environment it helps out a lot.
    The most I ever spent on one item of clothing, would have been probably about $500. It’s pretty minimal compared to what a lot of people would think. I bought a suit once. It cost me $500. (pause) It was half price.
    Note: A video link to this interview along with other Simon video footage of the Smash Hits promotion for EStreet, can be found in the Forum:
    Category: Interviews 1992-2007 | Added by: Fran
    Views: 847 | Downloads: 0
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