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    2012 (June) Interview for
    01-Jun-12, 12:08 PM – June 2012 - Translated from French
    I don’t have a routine life with my wife
    The actor whose name appears in the list of the sexiest actors of the world, has been married for twenty-one years, an exception in Hollywood. The Mentalist star was visiting Paris: he reveals his best role, that of model husband and family man.
    Simon Baker, aka Patrick Jane in The Mentalist series (which will air the fourth season in a few months on TF1), is appearing in the economic thriller Margin Call. The Australian actor, 42, married with three children, has agreed to meet us to talk about his film, but especially his family, who he values above all.
    Gala: In Margin Call, you play a trader who participated in the 2008 financial crisis, a different role from what you're used to.
    Simon Baker : Yes, the crisis has impacted the world, I wanted to show behind the scenes through a story that everyone can identify with. It is primarily the story of colleagues, who, each in their own position on the ladder, make decisions, try to protect their backs ... except that it happens in a bank and the implications are enormous.
    Gala: You've directed several episodes of the Mentalist. Would you like one day to direct a film?
    SB : I'd love to! I have lots of ideas running through my head, but I don’t have enough free time to explore them. I need to have time and mental energy for it. Everytime I’ve tried to think about it, opportunities arose that I couldn’t refuse. But I’ll try to take a year off one day after The Mentalist, to let my mind wander and gather the pieces together.
    Gala: When your career exploded with The Mentalist, did your wife (Australian Rebecca Rigg, whom he married in 1991) fear that the success would carry you away?
    SB: If she was concerned, she never let it show, this has never been an issue of tension between us. You know, we are very close and we have a strong history in common, it's not like I knew her only for a few weeks before becoming famous. We sort of grew together, our ties are very strong.
    Gala: How did you meet?
    SB : Through mutual friends who introduced us, thinking we could get along. They weren’t necessarily right, because at first glance, we’re very different. I am a country mouse, she’s a city rat, she is very determined when I'm cool ... But ultimately, we’re complementary.
    Gala: You said that you’re two strong personalities, should we conclude that disputes are not unusual in the Baker household?
    SB: Let's say we're both very stubborn! We often had disputes at the beginning of our relationship, but with age, we’ve got tired of conflict. And above all, a man always understands that ultimately, it is women who are right! There is still some friction of course, but we always try to draw something positive. It’s never put our relationship at risk, instead it’s made ​​us stronger.
    Gala: You’ve said that you’ve never had the feeling that the love of your wife has been won, is this the secret to keeping you?
    SB: Totally. I need a challenge in love, or I'm bored. But life is never dull with Rebecca, she still has an element of mystery, I still feel the need to seduce her to keep her. Generally, problems in relationships occur when a couple becomes stagnant or routine. But I've never had that feeling with my wife.
    Gala: If you asked your wife what is your main problem, what do you think she would answer?
    SB: That I'm too sensitive, I take things too much to heart.
    Gala: What are the principles of life that you and Rebecca try to teach your three children?
    SB: They’re encouraged as much as possible to express themselves, whether by speaking, writing, creating ... We try to nourish their imagination, their open mind. We warn them about the important things, but we avoid overdoing advice because children always end up experimenting with what they want to experiment with... even when it’s forbidden.
    Gala: Naomi Watts is the godmother of your eldest daughter, Nicole Kidman, one of your little ones. Have you known her a long time?
    SB: Yes, since I’ve known my wife, so more than twenty years. Rebecca was at school with Nicole, and she met Naomi just after. They’re very close friends.
    Gala: You’ve said that you find the French very elegant. In what way are they different from Americans or Australians?
    SB: Their elegance is cultural. It's as if they’re allowed to be sexy and classy, it’s authentic, nothing seems forced or overplayed. They assume that’s what they are. The French have a reputation for being arrogant, I don’t think it’s arrogance, I think its authenticity. The French are what they are without apology. But a confident woman is always sexy. If French, Italian, Spanish, American and Australian women were walking together, I bet I would recognize the French. And she's the one who would probably please me the most!
    Category: Interviews 2012-2015 | Added by: Fran
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