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    The Mentalist 2.1 Redemption
    16-Nov-10, 5:17 PM
    Lisbon : Morning,captain. Agent Lisbon. Jane, consultant. What do we have here?

    Captain : Thanks for stepping in. Homicide unit owes you one. Jane. You're that psychic fella.

    Jane : Right.

    Captain : Me? I don't buy into that E.S.P. Crap. No offense.

    Jane : None taken.

    Captain : Here we have Ivor Rassmussen,age 34,address river park no sign of the murder weapon. Store ri was onhe scene pretty fast. We were ableo detain everybody who was in the section at the time. We're holding them over in the furniture department. So, Carnac,what does Ivor say? He tell you who done it?

    Jane : Leather pants,musky cologne,phallic jewelry. A ladies' man. Went after high-end cougars with moderate success. Casual cocaine user. Plays guitar--not well. Works in the noncreative end of a creive business. Advertising,maybe. Nothing worth killing anyone over anyway. So hdied r romantic reasons. Where are those suspects you mentione

    Captain : The witnesses?

    Jane : Whatever.

    Lisbon : Ta it down a notch. Take it down three notches.

    Jane : Okay. Under contro we'll get this done quic and be on our way. Hello. We're from the cbi. May well be that one of you is the murderer. If that's so,i'm gonna find out who. These two are innocent. They can go.

    Lisbon : Uh, stick around. We're gonna need atatement.

    Jane : Neil. What's the worst mistake you've ever made? Quick.

    Neil : Uh, first marriage.

    Jane : Good answer. Why so nervous?

    Neil : I'm not. I just--i...

    Jane : You. Your name?

    Candice : Candice.

    Jane : Candice. That name. Here. Thank you. It's okay. I'm a consultant. Candice,take my advice. Forgive your mother.Maybe the headaches will stop

    Candice : I love my mother.

    Jane : Oh, I'm wrong. Ignoreadvice. You. Your name.

    Reed : Reed.

    Woman : Excuse me. This is a joke, right?

    Jane : A joke? A man has been killed . Is that funny to you? Are you amused?

    Woman : No,but--

    Jane : Then sit. Reed, quick question. Green Lantern versus Thor-- who wins?

    Reed : Thor.

    Jane : Oh, yeah. Why'd you kill Rassmussen?

    Reed : I didn't.

    Jane : All right. Now, you, miss grumpy and entitled, what's your story?

    Mandy : My name is Mandy Shultz. And i'll havyou know that my--

    Jane : Let me guess. Your husband is a very important person.

    Mandy : He is,as it happens. John's on the modesto city council. And this is totally unprofessional and disrespectful. I'll have my husband take talk with your superiors.

    Jane : Mandy, Mandy, Mandy. The diet pills are messing with your mind. This is Sacramento,the big city. Your husband means nothing here.

    Captain : Okay, that's enough. Agent Lisbon?

    Lisbon : Give him another moment.

    Jane : Don't need a moment. Ca is all but closed. Mandy here is gonna lead us right to the murder weapon.

    Mandy : What?

    Jane : Take my hands. I need physical contact to read your mind.

    Mandy : You're nuts.

    Jane : Ove it. If I'm wrong,if we can't find the murder weapon,then i look like an idiot.

    Mandy : Yes, you will. What are you--

    Jane : Don't speak. The murder weapon.

    Mandy : This is crazy. I had no idea that was there.

    Captain : How could u direct us right to it if you didn't put it there?

    Mandy : I didn't. I-i don't know. But i-i didn't kill that man. I-i didn't!

    Jane : She's right. She has nothing to do with the murder.

    Lisbon : What?

    Jane : I just used her as a decoy to lull the real killer into giving me clean directional cues.

    Captain : Oh, come on. What are you talking about now?

    Jane : Whatever way he didn't wants to go is the way that we went.

    Captain : The real killer.

    Jane : Yeah, you wanna guess who it is?

    Lisbon : Come on, Jane.

    Jane : Neil.

    Neil : Excuse me. No,i--it wasn't. I-i dot even know thatan.

    Jane : Oh,is that rit? I'm guessing that he was having an affair withour current wife. You found out and you forgave her like a sucker. He saw you here,probably smirked and said something very clever,made you feel... Small. Humiliated you!

    Lisbon : Nice work.

    Jane : What? Case is closed,isn't it?

    Voice away : Put it down! I say drop it now!

    Minelli : A dead suspect,quarter-million dollars worth of damages, formal complais of misconduct from the S.P.D. And the modesto cityouncil.

    Lisbon : Those damages wereay padded.

    Jane : All due respect, Virgil, I was trying to close the case. It was my feeling that red john should be our priority, given the dozen frh leads-- -

    Minelli : Stop! Stop. That's the nub of the problem righthere--red john. Ever since the tanner incident,you've been runnin' way too hot. I fear a terminal screw up coming.

    Jane : That's not gonna happend. I can hand him.

    Minelli : Can you? Maybe since he saved your life, you're going easy on him. Maybe you feel compelled cut him somslack.

    Lisbon : No, sir. This absolutely not the case.

    Minelli : Hey, Sam, get in here.

    Bosco : Lisbon.

    Lisbon : Bosco.

    Minelli : Agent Bosco and his unit are taking over the Red John case.

    Jane : What? No,no,no.

    Minelli : You have always been too close to the case,and now both of you are way or close. We need to make a change.

    Lisbon : Can we talk about this?

    Minelli : No. You've worked for agent Bosco. You ow that heill do the job right.

    Lisbon : You ed to let my team finish what they started.

    Bosco : Teresa, no offense, but you guys aren't even close to catching this guy. Fresh set of eye gotta be a good idea.

    Jane : What do you know about the case?

    Bosco : Not much. He's a serl killer. 15 victims, including your wife and child. I can imagine your pain. Maybe that pain is clouding your judgment.

    Lisbon : And me, Sam? What's clouding my judgment?

    Bosco : Good question. You tell me?

    Rigsby : What happened?

    Lisbon : We're off Red John.

    Team : What? Forever? We will we get reprimanded? Who gets it instead?

    Lisbon : Quiet. Look,this is my fault,but it's a wake-upall for all of us. We've grown slack and unprofessional. We need earn back e trust thatewve lost. From now on,we work 100% straight. No more shortcuts.No more ga-- What are you doing? You're leaving?

    Jane : Well, frankly, if i can't use this job to seek some kind of personal revenge,thenuh, there's not a whole lot here for me. But i-i... I don'make anything better. I can't brindead people back to life. What good do we do? We drive around california visitingappy people.

    Van Pelt : We're fighting evil and injustice.

    Jane : And how's that going? Any progress lately?

    Cho : We put bad guys away where they can't hurt people. That's good enough.

    Jane : I was doing more good as a psychic. I was giving people hope, at least. False hope,but hope anyway.

    Van Pelt : Van Pelt.

    Lisbon : You're right. Best you leave. That way you can go back to bei a full-time fraud and we can continue our useless jobs in peace.

    Jane : Well, that's actually not what I said.

    Lisbon : Yes, it was.

    Van Pelt : We're up. Twenty palms.

    Lisbon : Let's go. You come, too,an put. We'll take two vehicles in case need to split up.

    Cho : I'll see you when you get there.

    Rigsby : Boss, disrespect, but i think we need jane.

    Lisbon : We'Ll manage.Maybe we don't cse as many cases, but the ones we do close will be closed right,by prossionals. Van Pelt, it's not a jet plane.

    Van Pelt : Okay, okay, okay. S-sorry.

    Jane : Oh,i'm t gonna leave you in the lurch. I'll do one more case.

    Lisbon : Do up your seat belt.

    Lisbon : Van Pelt, you come with me. You guys talk to the first responders,see what they got.

    Policeman : Hey, the apartment's upstairs. We have a female caucasian,late 3. Ran license down already. It a fake. We're calling her Jane Doe.

    Lisbon : Who found the body?

    Policeman : The building manager noticed her door was open overnight. Last one down to the left.

    Jane : Thank you.

    Lisbon : What's your take?

    Van Pelt : Hit with a stun gun end suffocated with the cushion. And they were looking for something, obviously.

    Jane : Did they find it, Grace?

    Van Pelt : It's impossible to tell.

    Jane : Well,it seems they look everywhere possible. Yes?

    Van Pelt : Yeah.

    Jane : So we can assume that they didn't find it,whatever it is.

    Van Pelt : How so?

    Jane : Well, let's say there's a hundred places to look r a thing. How likely is it that you will find it in the hundred play you look?

    Lisbon : Not very likely,right? What else you got?

    Van Pelt : No drug paraphernali no condoms or other items suggesting prostitution. So... Maybe a personal crime? A husband or lover?

    Jane : Bravo, Grace. Wrong, I expect but very welreasoned nonetheless.

    Cho : Thank you,all. Appreciate it. Thing off the car,but we'll have the lab boys take a look. It's still registered to the previous owner,sold it for cash six months ago.

    Lisbon : So basically we know nothing about her. Nice start.

    Jane : She's a law-iding middle-class housewife that did something bad, something she feels terriblyuilty about-- guilty enough to make her run away and hide.

    Lisbon : That's evidence. You know the drill.

    Jane : You put "bullfrogs win high school basketball trophy" into a search engine, we will find jane doe's home.

    Rigsby : Can i take a look at that?

    Jane : Sure.

    Rigsby : It's a working truck. Dad must be in construct something like that.

    Van Pelt : Bayshore courier, april 2006. "county finals--la bulrogs dominate inju-plagueders.

    Jane : If they list the players,cross-check the surnames with the other arcles from the same newspaper in the last year using the word disappearae."

    Cho : If we leave now,we can be I bayshore in a twins hours.

    Lisbon : Oh, we need a title more than lady bullfrogs to go on.

    Van Pelt : "bayshore courier" of june this year. Headline is "pice no closer to dunninger." since her disappearance last month, bayshore P.D.Have been unable to locate. 43-year-old monica dunninger,the secretary accused of stealing nearly $1 million from her employers,the jaffe printing group."

    Lisbon : Okay. Bayshore it is then.

    Van Pelt : So the killer must've been looking for the million bucks.

    Rigsby : If she had a million bucks, why would she live in a dump like this?

    Jane : Before we get on the freeway, it'd be good to take a little drive around the neighborhood, be good to find anmpty house for sale.

    Lisbon : Why would that be good?

    Jane : I'm thinking of moving here.

    Lisbon : No secrets, Jane. No lies. No tricks. No surprises. The truth.

    Jane : Since when is that that rules?

    Lisbon : Since i said so.

    Jane : Else what?

    Lisbon : You're off the unit.

    Jane : That's not leve. This is my last case,remember? Thonly reason i'm still here is 'cause i'm worried about how you guys would cope withoume.

    Lisbon : Oh, really? So we are lost without you,are we?

    Jane : Well yeah. Let's be honest here.

    Lisbon : Let's go.

    Jane : Wait. This...

    Cho : What'd you say to em?

    Jane : Nothing, really. Totaer reaction.

    Cho : Yeah.

    Jane : We need to find a house for sale.

    Cho : Ok.

    Jane : Ah, there's a sign. Perfect.

    Cho : You gonna tell me what that's about?

    Jane : Wouldn't you rather it be a surprise?

    Cho : No.

    Jane : Oh, look. Look, look, strawberries.

    Lisbon : Strawberries?

    Jane : See? How good is that?

    Lisbon : Good. Cho, Rigsby, start canvassing the neighbors. Van pelt, come with me.

    Jane : Uh, i... Lisbon, uh... I'm sorry for what sayou before. Can I please continue working with you?

    Lisbon : I thought you were quitting.

    Jane : You know i didn't mean that.

    Lisbon : So the job is worth while,is it?

    Jane : Eh, it's not that. I mean,it's not that at all. It's just... I have nothing else to do.

    Lisbon : No jokes. From now on, there have to be boundaries.

    Jane : Agreed.

    Lisbon : I need to know that you can do your work and be effective without creating a mess th i have to clean up.

    Jane : No mess, i swear.

    Lisbon : On that basing you can remain with the unit.

    Jane : Thank you. Here.

    Man : So how did she die?

    Lisbon : It s a homicide, but she didn't suffer. We don't have any suspects yet.

    Man : Where was she?

    Van Pelt : She was living alone in a small apartment in twenty palms.

    Cassie : I thought she'd be living it up in Mexico or somepla. She was always--

    Ansel : Stop it. I need to lie down.

    Man : Okay, champ, let's roll.

    Cassie : I'm making some tea. Would you like a cup?

    Lisbon : No thank you.

    Jane : Oh, oh,i-i'd love a cup. Thanks.

    Cassie : Ansel, uh, had cancer. He's totally better now but still weak.

    Van Pelt : It's in remission?

    Cassie : Gone. 100%. We were blessed. Even the doctors were amazed.

    Jane : Oh, thank you. Tell me about your mother.

    Cassie : Sure. I'll tell you. Take all that money and running off-- that was just the icing on the cake. When Ansel got cancer, her wa coping--painkillers and a sleazebag lover. That's mom.

    Jane : Did you know her lover's name?

    Cassie : Bodhi Andros. How fou out? Ansel goes to meet his mom at her yogarobics class. He finds her banging the teacher in his office. Can you imagine?

    Jane : Then what happened?

    Cassie : She did her dance. She's so ashamed, she's so sorry, she's changed. Whatever. And he was halfway to for giving her. He cant help it. He loves her.

    Jane : But you don' love her?

    Cassie : She... Never had time for me. So. I could always see through her games. You know? To the selfish cow beneath--

    Man : Cassie! Don't talk that way. She loved you. Look, she's dead. Show some respect. She was a beautiful soul,full of joy an-and big dreams.And reality just kinda beat h down.

    Cassie : But here's the thing. It was only because the robbery was in the news that the doctors at cedars of zion heard about ansel anreached out to help us. They took him on for free and they sav his life-- saved his life when everybody id there was no hope. You know,god works inysterious ways.

    Jane : Well, you know ,god doesn't necessarily,uh,answer--

    Lisbon : Thank you very much for you time.

    Jane : Yeah. Thank you. Very nice tea. Oh,uh, I almost fort. Do other of you know a Miles Thorsen?

    Man : Uh,no, I don't .

    Cassie : No.

    Jane : You sure?

    Man : Yeah.

    Cassie : Yes.

    Jane : All right. Ansel. Hey, Ans! You know Miles Thorsen?

    Ansel : No.

    Jane : Okay. Bye.

    Lisbon : Thank you. Who's Miles Thorsen?

    Jane : No one in particular.

    Lisbon : This is what i'm talking about.

    Jane : No me, too. Y-you want no fuss, no mess, right? I am casting a wide, invisible the killer won't even know he's in it until it's too late.

    Lisbon : Miles thsen is an invisible net?

    Jane : Yes, he is.

    Van Pelt : We got an address on Bodhi Andros.

    Lisbon : Cho, Rigsby, go and check him out. Van Pelt, get on the money trail. Somebody's got that $1 million. Start with the dad and the daughter. See if either of them's been spending money they shouldn't have.

    Van Pelt : They looked clean me.

    Lisbon : Oh, did they? Okay, eat. Just let them be .

    Van Pelt : I don't... I'll check 'em out.

    Jane : Okay, come on. Let's get back to Sacramento, grump.

    Lisbon : What's the hurry?

    Jane : I have a meeting with bosco.

    Lisbon : Good luck.

    Woman : Great class, girls. Hey, and let's use that cus we found throughout the week, okay? Namaste. Namaste. Okay,thank you.

    Cho : I'm looking for Bodhi Andros.

    Woman : Oh,crap! Yeah,his office is upstairs,to the right.

    Cho : Thank you.

    Rigsby : Rememb that time you said you'd been in juvie?

    Cho : Yep.

    Rigsby : You never said what you got sent there for.

    Cho : It's gang stuff.

    Rigsby : You were in a gang ? What was the name of the gang?

    Cho : Avon park playboys.

    Rigsby : Avon park playboys?

    Cho : I didn't choose the name.

    Rigsby : And, uh, what kind of stuff did the playboys do?

    Cho : Nothing good.

    Rigsby : Like what?

    Cho : Nothing you need to know about.

    Rigsby : Mm, fair enough. Your call. See, I don't think partners should have secrets, but your call.

    Cho : Like don't have any secrets.

    Rigsby : What's the supposed to mean?

    Cho : You know what I me. Hey, you in there. Police. Cbi. Very slowly, stand up.

    Bodhi Andros : I'm unarmed,man. I have no weapons.

    Rigsby : Well,that's great. So come out slowly with your hands on your head,and i won't hurt you. Promise.

    Bodhi Andros : Okay, I'm coming out now. Don't shoot.

    Rigsby : Morning, sir. You is Bodhi Andros?

    Bodhi Andros : Yes,i am.

    Cho : Turn around.

    Jane : Sorry i'm late. Bad traffic. What are you having?

    Bosco : What are you having?

    Jane : Well, I'll have a bottle of water, thanks.

    Bosco : A dog with kraut,bottle of water.

    Jane : Thank you. Well,i'm not gonna lie. I'm not happy i'm off the Red case. You might be right. Fresset of eye may be what's needed. Now here's the thing, Sam, if i may. I know this case. I can be a very good resource for you. If we could just come to some kind of understanding...

    Bosco : You wants to, uh,keep you up toate on the case?

    Jane : Yeah,sure.

    Bosco : Tell you about fresh leads, etcetera.

    Jane : Yeah, let's just keep an open line ocommunication. Good?

    Bosco : Wife has me on a diet. This is like committin' adultery here. Let me communicate this to you. You're a party entertainer,a clown. Fresh leads? I wouldn't tell you where the bathroom is if your ass was on fire. Do we have a good understanding now?

    Jane : I understand you. It may take you some time to understand me.

    Bosco : You're filled with equal parts self-loathing and self-love. You're addicted to control. You're terrified of confinement.

    Jane : Who's my favorite beatle?

    Bosco : Your wife wanted you to quit the psychic trade. She begged you to stop, but you were making too much money. You were havin' too much fun. You can still hear her eading with you. How am i doin'?

    Jane : You read the interviews in my caseile. You can read very impressive.

    Bosco : Look Patrick, I'm sorry to be so blunt with you.

    Jane : Really?

    Bosco : You're not a detective. You're a victim.

    Lisbon : You never said. How was your meet with bosco?

    Jane : What? I can't hear you!

    Lisbon : I said,how did it go with bosco?

    Jane : I can't...

    Lisbon : How did it go with bosco?

    Jane : Good. It was, uh, it was very good. We had a frank exchange of views.

    Lisbon : So he's gonna keep us in the loop?

    Jane : No.

    Lisbon : No?

    Jane : Wouldn't direct me to the bathroom if my ass was on fire. Think that's funny?

    Man : So that' Mrs. Jaffe her there.

    Jane : Thank you.

    Man : Sure

    Lisbon : What are you gonna do?

    Jane : Nothing.

    Lisbon : Nothing?

    Jane : If you sown by the riverbank and wait long enough, you will see the bies of your enemies float by. Shall we?

    Rhonda Jaffe : Agent lisbon, is it? I'm Rhonda Jaffe, company chairwoman.

    Lisbon : This is my colleague mr. Jane.

    Rhonda : Hello.

    Lisbon : Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us.

    Rhonda : Oh, not at all. And you wanted to meet with my finance director Greg Humphrey?

    Lisbon : Yes,ma'am.

    Rhonda : All right. Well, let's speak in my office.

    Lisbon : Did you know Monica Dunninger?

    Rhonda : Oh,yeah. I know everyone on staff. So sad. The whole thing is just so sad. The poor woman. More troubled than conniving,i'm sure. And you know,it's not the money. It's more the loss of trust. This is very,very mh a family firm. And my father always used to say, Jaffy Printing is aboulues,not about machinery.

    Jane : Do you know Miles Thorsen?

    Rhonda : Miles Thorsen? No.

    Jane : Are you sure?

    Rhonda : Yes.

    Lisbon : Seriously, stop it.

    Jane : Relax. I saved her life. She resents me.

    Rhonda : Oh,really? Jill? Jill? Jill,where has Greg Humphrey gone to? He's supposed to be in here. Hello?

    Greg : Humble apologies. Small crisis on the inventory desk. Solved. Uh, Greg Humphrey. Good to meet you.

    Jane : Patrick Jane.

    Lisbon : We're investigating the murder of Monica Dunninger.

    Greg : Yes. Terrible. Horrible.

    Lisbon : You were her direct supervisor,is that right?

    Greg : I know what you're gonna say, and yes,it was my fault that shetole from us. Mea culpa. I-i should've known.

    Rhonda : Greg is like family, we all make mistakes

    Greg : We live, we learn, we move on.

    Lisbon : Uh, can you explain us what she did ? In layman's terms?

    Greg : Been there, done that with the top men from the fbi financial unit. Do we really need to talk it again?

    Lisbon : Yes.

    Greg : No problem.

    Jane : Thank you.

    Lisbon : What exactly was her position he?

    Greg : Assistant office manager. She kept the petty cash accounts. Coffee and doughnut monitor essentially. This was her office.

    Lisbon : How did she manage to steal so much money?

    Greg : When the accounting and finance systems were integrated, nobody thought to firewall the tty cash accounts. Monica acquired user access to the transactional sites and created a false vendor. I didn't think she had the brains, to be .We don't know exactly how she did it because she frd her hard drive and she took her accountsook with her.

    Jane : Are we about to look at a ole bunch of numbers?

    Lisbon : Probably.

    Jane : All right. I'll wait in the car.

    Lisbon : Go.

    Jane : Do you know a man named Miles Thorsen?

    Greg : No.

    Jane : You sure? Think about it.

    Greg : I'm sure. Who is he?

    Jane : Never mind.

    Lisbon : Please continue. Would you excuse me?

    Van Pelt : Boss, I think i found something. The victim's daughter, Cassie Dunninger-- She handles the family money,pays the bills. Five months ago,she stopped paying the rent by standing order, switched to cash. Me thing with the utility bills. Paid in cash.

    Lisbon : Nice work. A andalto her. She doesn't have a good answer, bring her in.

    Van Pelt : Will do, boss. Yes!

    Cho : You did you hiderom us, Bodhi?

    Bodhi : Fear ,man. Fear. I've been frightened for my life here since i heard.

    Cho : Why? Who killed her?

    Bodhi : Either it was her goober who finally snapped,ich puts me next in line, or it's whoever she went into business with,and maybe they think i know too much.

    Cho : She was in business with someone?

    Bodhi : Just before she disappeared, she came by to see me, told me she made a business deal with someone that would make everything all right.

    Cho : A business deal? Were those the words she used?

    Bodhi : Yep. She was starting a new day in her life and wanted to make amends and apogize for being such a pain in theutt, which she was.

    Cho : How so?

    Bodhi : She was way too deep into her family and to her kids and all that crap. Loved those kids. Why do i want to talk to her about her sick boy? Like i can help?

    Cho : You're not a doctor.

    Bodhi : Exactly. When we were caught by that kid,she just... Went to pieces, you know? And i'm like,don't get so down on yourself. You gotta love us when if you're a total screw up,right? The greatest. Love... Of all. Whitney was right, as usual.

    Cho : Right. You know a man named Miles thorsen?

    Bodhi : No. Who's he?

    Cho : I don't know.

    Van Pelt : is that enough sugar?

    Cassie : Yes thank you.

    Van Pelt : So, Cassie, tell me about the money.

    Cassie : About a month after she ran off,mom called me, said she wanted to help out, wanted to know how Hansel was doing. She loves us so much,blah,blah,blah. I told her to go to hell, and I hung up. 2 days later,i got a letter with $5,000 in cash inside.

    Van Pelt : Any message?

    Cassie : Just "love,mom." thouth was it. What was I supposed to do, give it to the police?

    Van Pelt : Actually, yes.

    Cassie : Well, I didn't. We really needed the money.

    Van Pelt : Did you ever tell your dad about the money .

    Cassie : No.

    Van Pelt : How often did she send you money?

    Cassie : $5,000 every month.

    Van Pelt : Did you ever write back to her?

    Cassie : No.

    Lisbon : I like her for this.

    Jane : How so?

    Lisbon : She desp mom. Mom's got $1 million stolen dollars ,gets in contact secretly. Do that eath.

    Jane : Maybe.

    Lisbon : No? What's your take?

    Jane : I'd be guessing. Could be anybody.

    Lisbon : Not anybody. You didn't do it. I didn't do it. You're distracted. You're thinking about Bosco and Red John. Focus on the job at hand.

    Jane : You're glad bosco has the Red John case, aren't you?

    Lisbon : Bosco is good agent. He's as gothey come. It might not be such a bad thing that we're off t case for a while. We got too ose.

    Jane : Is that what your shrink tells us?

    Lisbon : Everybody tells me that.

    Jane : But your shrink didn't tell you that,didn't he? Okay,may--maybe you're right. Maybe--maybe that's the truth. Maybe we did get a little too close. I'm not so sure. But i'll think about it.

    Lisbon : Liar. I've got a deposition. See that box ever there? It's got Monica dunninger's possessionin it. Go through it,see what you can see.

    Jane : Yes,ma'am... Uh,who wants to come with me out to twenty lms to catch the killer?

    Rigsby : Did Lisbon okay is?

    Jane : Of course.

    Rigsby : What is this place?

    Jane : Guess.

    Cho : Miles Thorsen's house.

    Jane : Exactly.

    Rigsby : Who's Miles Thorsen?

    Jane : I have no idea.

    Rigsby : Isn't that your number?

    Jane : Uh, yeah,that's my number. That's in case the killer gets here before us. That way,he'll call us. Who's that over there?

    Rigsby : Hey, we have no warrant.

    Cho : Don't you hear someone yelling in there?

    Rigsby : No.

    Jane : I heard something.

    Rigsby : There's no yelling. I have perfect heard.

    Cho : I could swear i heard someone.

    Rigsby : Okay, so what are we doing here?

    Jane : Everybody involved is wondering who Miles Thorsen . The killer will be doubly curious. Triply, even. Maybe the mysterious Miles Thorsen has what the killer is looking for,what heidn't find. When they look him up, they'll learn there's a miles thorsen who lives rind the rner from monica. Hey,resto.

    Rigsby : This is extly the kind ostuff the boss was tking about. She didn't okay this at all, did she?

    Jane : So shoot me. "The fax machine revolution--the little box that'sing our world." why would Monica Dunninger be reading this book?

    Rigsby : You, Cho, shouldn't enable this kind of crap.

    Cho : We're not doing anything wrong. What's the problem?

    Rigsby : Uh, burglary, espassing, will ful damage to property.

    Cho : Yeah, door was open.

    Rigsby : Uh, no, it wasn't.

    Jane : Of course.

    Rigsby : What?

    Jane : Rigsby, you' right. You shouldn't be here. Let us take this. You go find the nearest library.

    Rigsby : Why?

    Jane : Your punishm for being a wuss is i'm not gonna tell ya.

    Rigsby : Oh,come on.

    Jane : Nope, I'm not gonna tell you.

    Rigsby : Fine. Fine. Whatever.

    Jane : Call when you're there.

    Cho : So what's the gag?

    Jane : Oh, there's no gag. I solved the case.

    Cho : I thought you already did that. I thought that's why we're waiting here.

    Jane : Nope. This is,uh... Well... Thiss more of a fishing expedition. You know, maybe we get a bite. Maybe we don't. That's the fun of it. We just sit back, relax, dangle our feet in the water.

    Jane : This guy predicted th by the year 2000, every american house's hold will have a fax machine. Can u believe that? I had a fax mach you?

    Cho : Yeah.

    Jane : Nostradamus of office equipment.

    Cho : See, this is why i don't like fishing. We not gotta catch anything.

    Jane : We have some very tasty bait.I'm very confide

    Cho : Did you consider that the killer found the money already?

    Jane : I don't think it was money they were looking for. I don't think Monica ever her it.

    Cho : Then went did she have then? And who has the money?

    Salesman's House : Great bone original mid century detail. Great new copper piping.

    Jane : Hello. Did you have a fax machine in 2000?

    Cho : No cause for alarm, sir. We're law enforcement officers. Cbi.

    Saleman : Kimball... Cho. Okay. What are you doing here, Kimball? Is there a problem?

    Cho : It's an on going investigation, sir. Can give out any details.

    Jane : Grisly homide, though.

    Saleman : N't we take a look at that duplex inRroyston? Shall we?

    Jane : That's a good call.

    Cho : Damn it.

    Jane : Relax.

    Cho : He got my name.

    Jane : Well, you spoke the truth. We are an ongoing investigation.

    Cho : Yeah, but we're supposed to be working 100% straight. This is not that.

    Rhonda : I'm--i'm sorry. Wr-wrong address.

    Jane : Rhonda! Come back.

    Rhonda : I'm here out of curiosity,that's all.

    Jane : Well, of course.

    Rhonda : I've got nothing else to say without my lawyer.

    Jane : You don't need to say anything. I knew it was you from the start.

    Cho : Thanks for sring.

    Jane : Well,when i say i-i knew it was her,i-i mean,i-i guessed, I subconsciously thought it was her when i saw a photo of her holding large check outside cedars of zion. It was you that stole the $1 million from your own company.

    Rhonda : why would i do that?

    Jane : Well, degenerate gambling would be my gu but whatever your problem is, when threatened with exposure, you made a deal with poor monica. If she'd take the blame and disappear you'd get Hansel into the best cancer program in California and pay her a monthly wage to stay gone.

    Rhonda : That's absurd.

    Jane : But then Hansel got cured,and there's wayMmonica was gonna stay gone,not much longe then you had to silence her.

    Rhonda : That's pure fiction. You have no proof at all.

    Jane : We--we have a proof. Wait. Yeah, we got--there it is. Yep. This is gonna be good.

    Rigsby : Yep,i'm here. I know,i know. The fax machine revolution is a library book, and Monica dunning swapped it. Hold on. I'm checking it. All right. Got it. Hold up. Looks like an accountsook. There's a dvd in it.

    Monica : "This is just to say that... In case something happen to me, that i swear on the bible that everything in the account book the truth. I know that i've pretty much lost your love and respect for good. But i hope that this deal at i've made will help ansel get better and will make up for some of the hurt that i've caused. I love you all so much, especially you, Cassie, even though you think i don't. I'm so sorry for this mess that i've made. Please forgive me. Goodye."

    Lisbon : The book spells out the deal. Monica took the fall for her boss so that Hansel would have the best possible treatment. Nice work.

    Jane : Sam Bosco here. CBI major crimes program. Question. How do i go about changing my use access passcode? I've got strong reason to believe it's been compromised. Yeah, great. Sure. Sure, I can hold.
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