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Season 7 Tweets by Crew/Cast
DS_Pallas Date: Friday, 22-Aug-14, 2:03 PM | Message # 91
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 1979
Status: Offline
I'd liked Mashburn and Jane together on screen!
I think the "spoiled brat" and blasé side of Mashburn matched well with Jane's pueril, smartass behaviour.
I think the two characters were quite appreciating each other, and there was a touch of male competition that makes a great potential for screenwriting. Even without throwing Lisbon's character in the middle.
I don't think Mashburn has real romantic feelings toward Lisbon. He likes her and her spicy charm, obvioulsy, and as a Ladies-man couldn't but try to add her to his trophies tally. And Lisbon had the right to enjoy herself… wink
But I can't picture him as a threat to the Lisbon/Jane relationship. Wel if I was a writer I wouldn't do that anyway.
jazz Date: Friday, 22-Aug-14, 5:22 PM | Message # 92
Messages: 88
Status: Offline
I agree with you DS_Pallas, I think the Mashburn/Jane relationship was far more interesting than the Mashburn/Lisbon one. I'd be happy enough to see more of that as pure entertainment, but I don't think any 'closure' is needed.

Message edited by jazz - Friday, 22-Aug-14, 5:24 PM
June Date: Friday, 22-Aug-14, 5:47 PM | Message # 93
Bee's Knees
Messages: 585
Status: Offline
First Erica Flynn and now, Walter Mashburn. I look forward to seeing what the writers have made with Erica's character and how they have played with the situation Jane-Lisbon-Erica. If it's well written, it could be interesting. However, Mashburn's return would be wrong, in my opinion. He's a funny character but he was on the series just to flirt with Lisbon. And that moment is over. It doesn't make sense for me.
Hayseed Date: Friday, 22-Aug-14, 8:06 PM | Message # 94
Bee's Knees
Messages: 549
Status: Offline
I'd much rather see Mashburn back than Flynn. Mashburn is not a serious threat, never was, and I love seeing Jane and Mashburn riff together. They appreciate each other, and I think Mashburn would be very gracious regarding Lisbon's choice of Jane, actually. No triangle stuff, just fun.
Peithon Date: Saturday, 23-Aug-14, 2:40 PM | Message # 95
Rip Snorter
Messages: 341
Status: Offline
Count me also as loving the Mashburn/Jane relationship. Mashburn is Jane without the dark. I loved how he effectively cold read Jane when they walked along the beach and I always thought he'd have been an excellent Red John. As a general rule I didn't like the episodes that revolved around the other characters, but Red Hot was the exception. He's a great 'the world is my toy' over the top character.
Ivana Date: Monday, 25-Aug-14, 7:46 AM | Message # 96
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 1223
Status: Offline
RT @anagcorpas: @TA4TV Hi Karl, do you know the name for the fourth episode of @Mentalist_CBS? Thanks ^^
Fran Date: Monday, 25-Aug-14, 11:51 AM | Message # 97
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 4127
Status: Offline
Thanks Ivana. Pink! That was used during the Red phase wasn't it, I don't want to read too much into it though wacko
DS_Pallas Date: Monday, 25-Aug-14, 12:31 PM | Message # 98
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 1979
Status: Offline
Connie Schiro
18 august, 21:08

What a wonderful day this was! Had a great time on the set of "The Mentalist" with my nephew Abel and all his co-workers. And after our scene ended, Simon, THE Mentalist himself gave me a big hug!! Life is good!

Fran Date: Monday, 25-Aug-14, 12:45 PM | Message # 99
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 4127
Status: Offline
Josie Loren @josloren
"@mentalist_cbs has a new mascot...Ace!! From the pound to our basecamp :)"
kim Date: Monday, 25-Aug-14, 2:20 PM | Message # 100
Bee's Knees
Messages: 676
Status: Offline again. It does make one wonder if there will be a reprise of the red john story line.
sylvia5993 Date: Monday, 25-Aug-14, 4:52 PM | Message # 101
Bee's Knees
Messages: 538
Status: Offline
They will have to refer to it now and then, it was such an integral part of who PJ was that it cannot just disappear and we will see an old flame come back. Will the "List" ever be revealed, there were many details left out and Bruno has promised to tie everything together before the ending.
beautyfulbabyboy Date: Monday, 25-Aug-14, 5:52 PM | Message # 102
True Blue
Messages: 782
Status: Offline
doesn´t have anything to do with season7, but:
Karl Sonnenberg ‏@TA4TV:
@LadyDuchovny Just for you. RJ still shows up around the crew.
beautyfulbabyboy Date: Monday, 25-Aug-14, 5:57 PM | Message # 103
True Blue
Messages: 782
Status: Offline
I agree: pink really does rock!

Message edited by beautyfulbabyboy - Monday, 25-Aug-14, 5:58 PM
Tina Date: Tuesday, 26-Aug-14, 9:08 AM | Message # 104
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 2066
Status: Offline
Pink is my favorite color. I always go for pink if possible. I LOVE pink tongue
beautyfulbabyboy Date: Tuesday, 26-Aug-14, 7:45 PM | Message # 105
True Blue
Messages: 782
Status: Offline
Karl Sonnenberg ‏@TA4TV
Good Tuesday morning from #TheMentalist episode 703

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