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13 White Orchids
Raven Date: Thursday, 12-Feb-15, 9:15 AM | Message # 16
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Promo for 7x12 & 7x13 Double Episode
DaboGirl Date: Thursday, 12-Feb-15, 10:34 AM | Message # 17
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I'm so excited to see these episodes while being beyond sad to say good bye to The Mentalist.
Tina Date: Thursday, 12-Feb-15, 5:41 PM | Message # 18
Fair Dinkum
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I'm okay with the ending ...I always said I don't need to see the wedding, but I'm a totally romantic person, so I'm looking forward to see it now. And after the alternative that Simon suggested, I'm SO happy with the ending. But also sad ...because after this it's over ...I still can't believe it. So surreal more Jane ... sad
Wand6122360 Date: Thursday, 12-Feb-15, 5:54 PM | Message # 19
Bee's Knees
Messages: 517
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I am looking forward to the next episodes very much. It looks like a beautiful ending. And what a great idea, having Patrick find strength in a plot of land.
nicolas1321 Date: Friday, 13-Feb-15, 3:09 AM | Message # 20
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@tinamarianne what alternative was suggested by simon? i would like to know happy
Tina Date: Friday, 13-Feb-15, 8:39 AM | Message # 21
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 2066
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@nicolas1321 Bruno Heller mentioned in an interview that Simon said "let's take him out". Simon didn't want a happy ending for Jane.
kim Date: Friday, 13-Feb-15, 4:01 PM | Message # 22
Bee's Knees
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I love the idea that Patrick has found a new home for his new life with Lisbon. A little bit of land, a pond, rustic cabin- looks totally different from his home with Angela. I am contented with the thought that he is ready to put down roots again.
Peithon Date: Friday, 13-Feb-15, 4:31 PM | Message # 23
Rip Snorter
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So instead 'Jane bought the farm," a tongue in cheek way to say he's dead. Simon had to love that. cool
PJaneloke Date: Sunday, 15-Feb-15, 9:00 AM | Message # 24
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Peithon! That's a good one! LOL!
June Date: Thursday, 19-Feb-15, 7:52 PM | Message # 25
Bee's Knees
Messages: 585
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What a beautiful ending!!! It's all what I can say in this moment, I'm still touched. heart
beautyfulbabyboy Date: Thursday, 19-Feb-15, 8:48 PM | Message # 26
True Blue
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I just can´t believe it´s all over now....
redbird Date: Thursday, 19-Feb-15, 9:31 PM | Message # 27
Messages: 152
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I thought I'd hate the wedding part but I didn't - that part they did really well. It was actually one of the nicest TV weddings I've ever seen. However, I didn't like the ending at all.
Wand6122360 Date: Thursday, 19-Feb-15, 11:17 PM | Message # 28
Bee's Knees
Messages: 517
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I enjoyed both episodes very much and I really liked the ending. It was very well acted, and I do think totally believable... Life throws the funniest curve balls. And symbolically, of course, it's very significant to Patrick Jane's redemption.
Fran Date: Friday, 20-Feb-15, 1:05 AM | Message # 29
Fair Dinkum
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Post Mortem: Mentalist Creator Talks Red John's Role in Original Series Finale — Plus: What's Next for Robin Tunney?

TVLINE | Bruno, did you ever entertain any other possible ending for the series? Like, at any time was the mindset, “Red John gets captured in our series finale”?

BRUNO HELLER | I have to give full credit to both the way that the story just evolved. But at a certain point, I can’t remember exactly when, Peter Roth at Warner Brothers [TV] said, “Listen, if you want this show to roll on, catch that bastard [Red John], get rid of him and tell us what happens afterwards.” Until he laid that out I had always in a very pompous way thought that the book ends when Moby Dick gets harpooned. But in fact, that decision and that choice gave the show a whole new lease of life [midway through Season 6], it gave a whole new energy and juice to all the characters — not just Jane and Lisbon but everybody. They were able to move to another location, there was a sense of the sunshine flowing in, and the audience responded to that. So, all credit goes to Peter — the reason he is where he is and has been for so long is he has impeccable instincts about that sort of thing.

TVLINE | Robin, this actually closes a second chapter for the two of us, after Prison Break. Having done two network dramas in a row, what would interest you next? A 13-episode cable series, a comedy, playing a perky carrot-dicing sitcom mom…?

ROBIN TUNNEY | That’s so funny because I think it’s really hard to know what it is you want to do until you read it and you meet the group of people who are involved. I have never been one of those actors who wakes up like, “I’d love to play a blind woman.” I think that TV is changing so much and there are so many different outlets for watching it and what it is, but there are network shows that are absolutely amazing. I don’t know what [my next move] going to be and I don’t really feel specific [leanings], but I do know when you read it you have to imagine that you’d want to be with these people and with the character that you’re accepting for six or seven years.

I definitely don’t see myself playing a police officer again, just because I feel like I was given a great female role that way and did that. But yeah, I don’t know what it’s going to be and I’m really excited by that. I think that there’s a certain amount of adrenaline with the unknown that actors intrinsically have, which is why they chose [that career]. But you know what, Matt? When I read it, I’m going to call you right away.

TVLINE | How would each of you like The Mentalist to be remembered? What do you think it brought to the table that was perhaps distinct? I for one always enjoyed how smart the crime-solving could be.

TUNNEY | Americans had seen the procedural in every way, but I think Bruno definitely created one that had a sense of humor and sort of highbrow references. And yes, I also thought it was very smart. It’s a genre that’s very well-known, but I think that there was more human behavior in it from the police officers — these people had senses of humor and they had attitudes towards their job that weren’t just about exposition and finding out the facts. I think hopefully they’ll be remembered for breathing new air into a genre that people were really familiar with.

HELLER | I’ll just be happy if it’s remembered. You know, so that when I’m a senile old guy at the cash register of the supermarket I can say, “Do you know who I used to be…?” and get a discount or something. I mean I know what I’ll remember it for and that’s everything we’ve been talking about [in Part 1 of the Q&A]. Beyond that, it’s up to the people who remember it. But I’ll remember it as the happiest professional time of my life. Now, you’re going to make me blub before Robin does, which I never want to do!
Fran Date: Friday, 20-Feb-15, 1:06 AM | Message # 30
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 4127
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‘The Mentalist’ Finale: Exec Producer Tom Szentgyorgyi On Series’ Original Ending, Spinoffs And Jane, Lisbon & Cho’s Future

Deadline: With The Mentalist’s fate uncertain, the season 6 finale, which could’ve been a series finale, ended with Jane and Lisbon exchanging “I Love You”s. Tonight’s series finale ended with them exchanging “I do”s. Were you determined to end the show with a romantic scene?

Szentgyorgyi: Not determined, no. But we knew as the end of season six unfolded — as it became clear that Jane was going to tell Lisbon that he loved her in that season’s finale — that if CBS gave us another season we would spend it exploring the ramifications of Jane’s declaration.

Deadline: After the series got a last-minute Season 7 renewal, did you consider a plot twist, separating Lisbon and Jane after they’d declared their love for each other?

Szentgyorgyi: No. Before the renewal Bruno and I pitched season 7 to CBS. Part of the pitch was that we were going to end with a wedding. Though at that point we had no idea exactly what kind of wedding it would be.

Deadline: Bruno Heller has said that when wrote the pilot, it never crossed his mind that Lisbon and Jane may end up together. What possible ending for the show did he envision at the time of the pilot script?

Szentgyorgyi: When Bruno did the pilot he thought the show would end with Jane catching Red John. It was to be a Dr.-Richard-Kimball-finds-the-one-armed-man series finale.

Deadline: When mapping out the final season last year, what other possible/alternative series endings did you consider?

Szentgyorgyi: None at all.

Deadline: Was revisiting the Red John mystery in the final season ever on the table?

Szentgyorgyi: Never ever ever.

Deadline: How hard was it to wrap the Red John storyline before the end of the series and why did you decide to shake things up so dramatically in Season 6 with the show packing up and moving to Texas?

Szentgyorgyi: The impulse came from Peter Roth at Warner Brothers TV, who called us in at the end of season five and told us he didn’t think the Red John story was sustaining. He felt that if we wanted to continue past season six, we were going to have to close out the Red John arc and reinvent the show. After gulping, Bruno and I realized Peter was absolutely right, and we started plotting out a conclusion to the Red John story about a third of the way through season six. Once we made the decision it wasn’t at all hard to plot out — another indication that it was the right thing to do.

Deadline: The last 3 episodes of The Mentalist featured one of the show’s most intense serial killer arcs in the vein of Red John. There was uncertainty if Jane would survive as the psychopath killer went hard and heavy after him but you opted to eliminate the suspense, revealing to fans before the finale that the series will have a happy ending, with photos from the wedding released to the public. What was the thinking behind that?

Szentgyorgyi: The decision to release the wedding photos was ad hoc — not part of some larger plan — but in keeping with our feeling about the closing episodes as a whole, which was that we wanted to offer a happy ending. We didn’t mind if the audience knew.

Deadline: What is next for Jane and Teresa? Will he go back to the FBI? Will they continue to work together? Will Kimball Cho keep climbing the ladder?

Szentgyorgyi: Jane’s building a house for his family. Lisbon will work at the FBI through her pregnancy until two weeks before she delivers, take a few months’ maternity leave, then go back to kicking ass and arresting bad guys. It’s what she does. Will Jane go back to working for the FBI with her? I don’t know. I suspect he doesn’t either. As for Cho, he will certainly continue to rise. Could the Chelsea Clinton administration see an FBI Director Cho? I don’t see why not.

Deadline: During the run of the show, did you ever consider a spinoff? Tim Kang’s character Kimball Cho certainly has been a standout.

Szentgyorgyi: The truth is, no, though Cho is a great character, and Tim Kang did an extraordinary job playing him.

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