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bee Date: Monday, 04-May-15, 10:31 AM | Message # 871
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 1525
Status: Offline
I agree Fran...It does seem strange Simon would even consider giving an interview for this type of magazine. I also think the answers Simon gave were ones he was expected to give for a stereotypical men's magazine such as this. Just by reading the written text we can't tell how his anwers were actually given (was he joking or not)? His answer to the question of how many partners he had after his first time was a little suspect to me...didn't Rebecca say that when she met him he was a "naive, country boy". Simon's answer didn't sound like that to me! Unfortunately we only see the edited version and we all know what a difference that can make! I suppose nice, normal questions and answers don't sell this type of magazine!

I don't like the photo either (I thought I may have been in the minority here). What is it supposed to say about Simon? He looks unattractive (I know, I know that's hard to believe) and his nose looks false! (Sorry)! I'm with you Fran, I'm a bit of an old-fashioned prude too, I put it down to my age (and how I was brought up)!
Tina Date: Monday, 04-May-15, 11:28 AM | Message # 872
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 2066
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Quote Fran ()
I don't mind admitting that I'm a bit of an old-fashioned prude - we're a dying breed but there are still a few of us around

I'm one of them ... tongue
Deedee Date: Monday, 04-May-15, 12:04 PM | Message # 873
Bee's Knees
Messages: 704
Status: Offline
I like to think I am broad minded but the truth is I am a product of the early 1950's a bit old fashioned and still a bit easily shocked. I agree with Bee and Fran about the interview. Words can so easily be misinterpreted and what seems like a bold statement on paper wasn't meant to be taken that way at all. I am not great in expressing myself so leave that to others who do it so well. As far as the photo is concerned I do not like it at all. Extremely unflattering and weird lighting but I guess that was the photographers intention.
DS_Pallas Date: Monday, 04-May-15, 12:37 PM | Message # 874
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 1979
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Quote bee ()
His answer to the question of how many partners he had after his first time was a little suspect to me...didn't Rebecca say that when she met him he was a "naive, country boy".

I think it's coherent to what he had already answered in a french (or was it the italian version?) women's magazine 2 or 3 years ago — don't remember wich one, sorry, but I remember the line (don't ask me why tongue ): he was asked the same question, and answered "More than ten, less than fifteen".
So to me it's - at least - his official version.

I think Rebecca's "naive country boy" alluded to lifestyle only, as Becca was used to live in a big city as Sydney, had been working in the movie biz for years and had a completely different life than Simon, who was raised in a small country town etc etc, but It didn't allude to his sex life, who seemed to start when he was still a minor and to be quite "normal" for a young handsome man as he was… He even once literally claimed to have had a love life before his wife. Their relationship looks so exclusive that some journalists might have implied Rebecca was his first so he wanted to make it clear happy
bee Date: Monday, 04-May-15, 2:13 PM | Message # 875
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 1525
Status: Offline
DSP....When referring to his "naive, country boy" image I wasn't inferring that he had no past love life at all before he met Rebecca (that would be silly). Indeed I seem to remember reading somewhere along the way that while quite young he was involved with an older woman at one time and I'm sure there were others. Indeed, as you say, as handsome as he was (and still is) it would be hard to imagine him being celibate.

At the end of the day I really don't want to know how many past lovers he had or how often he has sex. The fact that he is happily married, a devoted husband and father, is healthy and a talented actor is all that matters to me.
Wand6122360 Date: Monday, 04-May-15, 2:17 PM | Message # 876
Bee's Knees
Messages: 517
Status: Offline
My only concern is his knee issue and his heart issue etc... Selfishly, I want him to stay healthy and graceful for as long as possible because that is one of the aspects of his talent that I love.
redbird Date: Monday, 04-May-15, 2:27 PM | Message # 877
Messages: 152
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"Naive, country boy" doesn't mean he'd had no experience sexually before he met Rebecca. To me, it refers to his life experience outside of the world he grew up in. In some interview didn't he say that he'd never eaten breakfast in a restaurant before he started going out with Rebecca? And he was way too good looking a guy not to have had females - of all ages - falling at his feet before he met Rebecca. Add that to normal raging male hormones and I think you'd end up with plenty of sexual experience. Enough said - I realize that he answered the question which put it out there in the public domain but a person's sex life really is their own personal business.

I'm with Fran and Bee about the photo - I don't like it either. The spark, the twinkle, the hint of mischief that make him such an attractive man were missing in this photo. I don't mind the wrinkles - everyone gets them - but, to me, he looked sunken and dour and even a little bit sad in this particular photo.
kim Date: Monday, 04-May-15, 3:45 PM | Message # 878
Bee's Knees
Messages: 676
Status: Offline
My only concern is his knee issue and his heart issue etc... Selfishly, I want him to stay healthy

I am with you there Wanda. I suspect the tumbles from his youth of surfing, skating and rough housing are coming back to bite him a bit. Like the back surgery that he had a few years ago. Hopefully he is getting excellent care for those issues. He has expressed a general dislike of doctors in several interviews, I wouldn't want that to keep from getting care. I wonder what "arrhythmia" he has. It can be nothing or something serious depending on what his actual diagnosis is there. Likely it falls into the nothing category given his age and general fitness level that he has maintained.

Count me in the group of not caring for the latest portrait photo. I don't mind a serious Simon, but that seems more of a caricature.
Smileygirl Date: Monday, 04-May-15, 6:46 PM | Message # 879
Messages: 183
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I don´t think we had it yet so I found someone on Twitter to translate the interview Simon did for the dutch Linda magazine and her it is:

In The Givenchy commercials, the Mentalist-actor Simon Baker parades in tight-fitting tuxedos, but at home we wears jogging pants.

“Courteous unless she lingers too long”

Name: Simon Baker
Profession: actor, director
Born: Launceston (Tasmania), 30th July 1969
Lives: in Los Angeles
Series: Home and Away, Heartbreak High, The Guardian, Smith, The Mentalist
Movies: L.A. Confidential, The Devil Wears Prada, Land of the Dead, Red Planet
Married: with actricre Rebecca Rigg
Father: of Stella Breeze (21), Claude Blue (16), Harry Friday (13)
Face: of Givenchy’s perfume Gentlemen Only

Holland roots
“My mother is born in Den Haag. Her parents were the black sheep of a French-Holland noble family. They emigrated to Australia when my mother was still a little girl. My wife and children have already been to Den Haag to visit my great-aunts. I still didn’t manage to.”

Famous aunts
“Nicole Kidman and Naomi Watts are godmothers to my sons. My wife and Nicole were school friends, and when I met Rebecca, Naomi was her best friend. However, Nicole and Naomi weren’t the big stars yet that they are now. I once started a nurse education, but I soon figured out this was nothing for me. I totally can’t stand sick people. Then I started to work in a bar, where many actors in training dropped by. Eventually Rebecca and I decided we just had to try. We moved to Hollywood with our daughter, where we lived with Naomi first for a while.”

The name of my father
“My mother married an Australian, but the marriage wasn’t good. When I was two years old, they split up. My new stepfather changed my last name into Denny and I only saw my biological father again when I turned eightteen. Yes, that is a shame, but it never was my choice. Because I didn’t get along with my step father, I wanted my real name back. Since then I am Simon Baker again.

"In the ads for the perfume I’m holding my umbrella up for a woman, or help her cross the street. Those are cliches to sell a product, but I would do the same in real life. I love courtesy and open the door for my wife - unless she lingers too long.”

Good marriage
“My wife and I have been together for 22 years. Apparently that seems special, definitely in our business. A good relationship is about communication and patience. Keep talking - but not too much. And with patience I mean: listen to each other with empathy, not judgmental. Off course that isn’t always as easy. The moments you’d rather start all over again come over me sometimes. Same for my wife. But eventually it is a choice: you want it to succeed, or you don’t. My wife is amazing, so for me the choice is evident.”

Secret pleasure
“Surfing boards. Looking at them, holding them, smelling them. They remind me of the waves in front of the Australian east coast.”

Peacock feathers
“I like to dress up for the presentation of a perfume or for a movie. You put on a nice suit, take care of yourself, strut around like a peacock. At home I get rid of that role immediately. My wife and I are very down to earth. Put on jogging pants, nothing fancy, simple life.”

“Maybe it sounds strange, but I want to interact with others in a nice way. I am a kind of ambassador for my kids. I want to set the right example for them. Nowadays, it is already hard enough to teach your kids the normal life, even when you are not famous. Sometimes I would prefer to take away their smartphones, shut down the internet and send them outside. ‘Go play!’”

“I want to remain as simple as possible, and I have always been fairly conservative with money. I am afraid that I’ll loose the essence of who I am by suddenly throwing with money because I earn so well. But I do enjoy the success, we have a very comfortable life.”

You can order the magazine (issue 129) here:

Message edited by Smileygirl - Monday, 04-May-15, 6:49 PM
Ivana Date: Monday, 04-May-15, 9:37 PM | Message # 880
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 1223
Status: Offline
Thank you Smileygirl for the article smile Interesting bit about his Holland roots!
marta75 Date: Monday, 04-May-15, 9:42 PM | Message # 881
Rip Snorter
Messages: 289
Status: Offline
Haha! It should be not all that surprising ladies : Simon is a one height french and a quarter dutch !
By the way I'm a bit prude myself by education but my three children now in their 20th years made my mind more open (or permissive depends of the point of view)
Peithon Date: Tuesday, 05-May-15, 7:40 AM | Message # 882
Rip Snorter
Messages: 341
Status: Offline

Simon 'officially' dropped from ANZ ads.
Wand6122360 Date: Tuesday, 05-May-15, 11:57 AM | Message # 883
Bee's Knees
Messages: 517
Status: Offline
There were a lot of ugly comments on Twitter about those ads, so I'm glad he's out of it.
Juney Date: Tuesday, 05-May-15, 3:41 PM | Message # 884
Bee's Knees
Messages: 606
Status: Offline
Quote Fran ()
I don't mind admitting that I'm a bit of an old-fashioned prude - we're a dying breed but there are still a few of us around

You can count me as one Fran.
Ivana Date: Tuesday, 05-May-15, 10:36 PM | Message # 885
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 1223
Status: Offline
Couldn't find in the article section this interview From “Amica” Magazine, September 2012 translated by Sara Pettarini, sorry if it is posted before

rediscovered thanks to Simon Baker MentAlist Romania on facebook

In his on screen version, playing The Mentalist title role, the rather boastful consultant who helps a team of detective in California, Simon Baker is sometimes arrogant, sometime irksome and sometimes, with that smile that fades into sadness, irresistible. In real life, instead, he is only irresistible (no, he isn’t short, he is 1.78, can be enough?)

In Paris, or better at Chantilly, where he attends to the Prix De Diane races in quality of elegance ambassador, for the prestigious brand Longines, Baker shows which the contemporaneous elegance qualities are: being kind, talking calmly, patiently allowing people to take him a million photos and even making a photo to a blogger that, after having photographed him in every possible way, also asked for a photo of herself made by him (what a satisfaction).

Strawberry blonde hair (probably an Australian particularity, being him born in Tasmania and having the same color of Nicole Kidman), 43 years at the end of July, wearingnerd glasses, the same wife since 1998 (actress Rebecca Rigg) and three grown up children, Simon Baker is considered Patrick Dempsey‘s heir as television heartthrob.

Patrick Jane is the kind of man that always gets what he wants. Is Simon Baker the same kind of man?

I don’t think so. My inner nature is more the one of a survivor than the one of a fighter; I have humble origins and I come from a working class family taught me the work ethic and a sense of gratitude for all the given opportunities. I never take something for granted, I appreciate all the opportunities who come, I try to take the best from them and I am grateful for my life.

We like your character because is unconventional, and has a painful past: a serial killer has killed his wife and child. What have you loved the most of your character, Patrick Jane, when you first read the script?

Exactly the same things.

Do you think you and him are alike?

Sometimes I feel a sort of awe towards him; no, I don’t think we are so similar.

This role made you a sex symbol, what do you think about it?

I’m flattered but this is only one of the many label the world of cinema and television is full of. It can be useful for audience ratings, not for me. I don’t identify myself with this label they gave me, but I thank for the compliment!

You have been recently elected elegance ambassador: what is the meaning of elegance for you?

For me elegance means self-esteem, being always genuine and being able to enjoy life without apologizing for it.

You said in a past interview “I still feel I have to seduce my wife” Seriously? After 14 years of marriage?

My wife is a constant challenge for me, she keeps me on edge of my seat, which is fine because prevents me from getting bored. We share a healthy communication; our relationship is a positive confrontation that keeps me enthralled and intrigued. I have no idea of how she succeeds in doing that, I do not think she does it intentionally, but she does it someway.

Irresistible and incorruptible.


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