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01 The Crimson Ticket
Fran Date: Friday, 28-Sep-12, 5:56 PM | Message # 1
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 4127
Status: Offline
5.01 The Crimson Ticket

While Jane tries to decipher Lorelei’s connection to Red John, the CBI team is forced to partner with the FBI to solve the murder of a hotel employee, on the fifth season premiere of THE MENTALIST on Sunday, Sept. 30 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

Emmanuelle Chriqui ("Entourage”) returns as Lorelei Martins, Polly Walker ("Rome”) guest stars as Senior FBI Agent Alexa Schultz and Ivan Sergei guest stars as FBI Agent Gabe Mancini.

Simon Baker (Patrick Jane)
Robin Tunney (Teresa Lisbon)
Tim Kang (Kimball Cho)
Owain Yeoman (Wayne Rigsby)
Amanda Righetti (Grace Van Pelt)

Emmanuelle Chriqui (Lorelei Martins)
Michael Gaston (Gale Bertram)
Ivan Sergei (Gabe Mancini)
Drew Powell (Reede Smith)
Jon Curry (Tom Yannick)
Mandy Kowalski (Callie Karlsen)
Anthony Martins (Rex Longo)
Polly Walker (Alexa Schultz)
Jarrod Crawford (Journalist)
Jim O'Heir (Norris)
Kelly Schumann (Estelle)
Esther Scott (Darla)
Amanda Detmer (Nicola Karlsen)
Dina Simon (Jasmin Lonagul)
Maz Siam (Mac Lonagul)
Oscar Best (Sac PD Captain)
John Rubinstein (Judge Manchester)
Alissa Ford (Valerie Whittaker)
Livia Treviño (Female Prison Guard)

WRITTEN BY: Bruno Heller
Thrill Date: Monday, 01-Oct-12, 12:50 PM | Message # 2
Messages: 210
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Ok - here goes - not sure about being first - I loved it !!! Watched it twice (so far) and I feel the tension is increasing. PJ feels like he is getting more desperate and ruthless - he is riding roughshod over Lisbon. She can barely contain herself - very angry and upset (and PJ seems hardly to have noticed). A few lines which caught my attention - "I would marry her if I thought she would buy it", "I knew who she was from the start". I think Lisbon doesn't understand/realise how desperate PJ is - which is maybe her confusion.
I did like the lighter moments as well - so it didn't get too heavy - PJ up to his tricks - photos in the wallet and glass beed in the pocket. Bertram was great - a smooth political operator who again could barely contain his anger and displeasure with PJ. I thought Polly Walker hasn't found her feet - but hopefully sparks will fly in a later episode with her......
Amanda's bump was well covered and you wouldn't have known - casually holding the file in front as she walked - although the brief side glimpse showed quite a bump!
The 2nd view - Bruno and his script - there were flashes of lotto tickets and winners everywhere - brief clues which were so easy to miss first time - that's what I love about Bruno.
John Rubinstein (judge) - I remember him from TG - he tried to take over Fallin & Ass - he doesn't appear to have aged in 10 years!
And Simon - well - worth waiting all winter for - he is so talented........ hands :hands: hands

Message edited by Thrill - Monday, 01-Oct-12, 12:54 PM
bee Date: Monday, 01-Oct-12, 1:30 PM | Message # 3
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 1525
Status: Offline
Have also watched it twice (so far). Firstly great to see Simon's name in the credits as Producer. Yes I agree the tension is increasing between the FBI/CBI, not to mention the tension between Jane and Lisbon! He is determined to get what he wants and Lisbon regretfully lets him have his way (yet again). Telling Lorelei that he can help her and get her free was bound to anger Lisbon and I can see further tension between the two.

I feel Jane's game with Lorelei is dangerous, he thinks he's playing her but she is not stupid and I think she may have her own game up her sleeve! Having said that I believe she doesn't want to go with the FBI simply because she knows RJ has a friend there and so she could be in danger. Will she therefore give Jane the information he craves on RJ and then take up his offer of help?

I agree Grace's bump was well hidden, how long she can hold a file in front of her or have a well placed phone on her desk remains to be seen but I hope she doesn't leave too soon because I think she has a lot more to give.

Jane causing the fight between the CBI/FBI at the beginning was amusing especially when he then beat a hasty retreat leaving Lisbon to pick up the pieces...nothing changes! Also loved the scene when they were in front of the judge. Jane goading the FBI does not bode well and I don't think they will give up Lorelei without a fight!

Near the end when the team were discussing the double murder Jane made a remark that I thought was maybe aimed at Lisbon when he said "There are other reasons for kissing someone". Was he trying to convey to Lisbon that his kissing Lorelei didn't mean anything? His 'general purpose' apology to Lisbon at the end I think was well meant. Did he say "Use it for your top issue"? If so, we all know what that is!

This season promises to be the best ever with many ups and downs and I can't wait. smile

Message edited by bee - Monday, 01-Oct-12, 3:08 PM
Green Date: Monday, 01-Oct-12, 3:00 PM | Message # 4
Messages: 84
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Only watched it once so far - I thought it was terrific, well acted and well thought out- It did seem like a fresh start - I am intrigued all over again, and wondering how long it will be before they bring Lorelei back.
Fran Date: Monday, 01-Oct-12, 3:18 PM | Message # 5
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 4127
Status: Offline
I’ve also watched it twice and thoroughly enjoyed it. Lots of little humorous moments were woven into it. I particularly liked Jane setting up Norris to get the 2 FBI guys to ‘vanish’. Also laughed at Jane walking off and leaving Lisbon talking to herself again. And I thought the way Jane set up Mancini in front of the Judge was great. But my favourite scene was the Jane and Lisbon conversation about Lorelei, in the car on the way back from interviewing the sister.

I was quite impressed with Ivan Sergei as Mancini, but agree with Thrill about Polly Walker – she didn’t seem to me to have quite hit her stride yet. I got the lottery connection, but didn’t work out that it was the policeman. And the ending caught me completely by surprise, mainly because we've been told that Lorelei will be in several episodes. So I'm now wondering - is finding Lorelei going to be a story arc, and will that be easier than finding Red John?

Interesting point Bee, about the kissing comment – that hadn’t occurred to me. And I agree with you that Jane’s game with Lorelei is a dangerous one – I suspect that doubts about the situation will be a continuing theme, so that both Lisbon and the audience will be wondering who’s playing who, and who’s got the upper hand.
justlook3 Date: Monday, 01-Oct-12, 4:05 PM | Message # 6
Bee's Knees
Messages: 501
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I have to agree about Polly Walker. Also her American accent was very unconvincing so it threw me right out of her character entirely. Perhaps that's why she's not coming off very well because she's struggling with the accent?
I also agree with Fran (even with the distracting green screen driving shots), the scene of Jane and Lisbon discussing Lorelai in the car was my favorite too. For what was said and what was unsaid. Also I liked that it pretty much confirmed that Jane knew Lorelai was with RJ when he slept with her. Or at least he has told himself he knew she was.
I only watched it once (I'm one of those weird people who doesn't rewatch tv shows) but I caught all the references to luck and lottery tickets. At first I thought it was just a cute little follow through by the art department but then it made sense. TBH I kinda fingered the killer but I didn't figure out the motive until the end.
Bee, I think you're right about the kissing comment. He looked at Lisbon when he said it too.
Lorelai to me is a high stakes Erica. In the Erica episodes you were never sure who was zooming who and with Lorelai? It'll be much much more dangerous. I am interested to see how Lorelai is coming back into play. Is she going to come to Patrick and he's going to hide her? That would certainly add to the uncertainty.
I do and don't like the new darkness. Jane's desperate, Lisbon's angry. Things are raw between them too. Looks like there is going to be play on emotions this season and what is real and not.

Message edited by justlook3 - Monday, 01-Oct-12, 4:06 PM
Geli Date: Monday, 01-Oct-12, 4:14 PM | Message # 7
Messages: 92
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Overall I enjoyed watching this episode. Lorelei didn't really tell Jane anything new about RJ. That she seems to have disappeared from prison is not surprising given RJ's connections. Interesting that she wants Jane to trust her and his friendship, which to me sounds like she wants what he already has with Lisbon. But to trust someone that would do anything RJ tells her would be dangerous and not wise.
I don't understand why both the CBI and FBI were looking after this double murder. To me that storyline just served to display the friction between the CBI and FBI and showcase Jane's talent for setting people up (photo in wallet, bead in pocket). Nice to see Bertram back, bargaining with the FBI seems new, maybe he got a bit craftier, previously sometimes he seemed gullible.
Amanda Righetti looked very pretty and played van Pelt well. Lisbon accepts that Jane slept with Lorelei but tells him to be careful. It seems all so complicated even though Jane insists he has no feelings for Lorelei, that she's just a stepping stone to RJ. Hm... the ending certainly feels like a cliffhanger and opens many questions that hopefully will get answered, like was the FBI who took Lorelei from the CBI building involved with letting Lorelei disappear, did a swap happen during transport or in prison...?
sorchauna Date: Monday, 01-Oct-12, 4:18 PM | Message # 8
Messages: 71
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Does anybody know how it as done rating wise in the US on the new sunday night? I know it follows the Good Wife and that was never a raring breaking show, more it gets the awards. Was is a big difference from its previous Thursday slot?
sylvia5993 Date: Monday, 01-Oct-12, 4:57 PM | Message # 9
Bee's Knees
Messages: 538
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Am I the only one who was underhwelmed by this first epi. Bruno is such a masterful storyteller and my expectations were very high after a 4 month hiatus. What I thought would be a political push/pull between the CBI and FBI turned out to be little boys fighting over who goes first. I'm hoping this epi was just a prologue seting up future great moments. Simon was as always perfect in his part although I'm not liking the new hairstyle. The murder of the week was just incidental to the RJ arc and not very impressive. I'm hoping for a better comeback next week, and as the season progresses, finding out if RJ has gotten Lorelei out of prison, obvioously he hasn't killed her.
justlook3 Date: Monday, 01-Oct-12, 5:12 PM | Message # 10
Bee's Knees
Messages: 501
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Ratings aren't out yet. Keep in mind that people are always focused on overall viewership (and CBS uses that for their PR machine) but the demo share is what counts. I agree as well that it's not always the most fair or realistic stat but it is what it is. And I think if they continue to pull in the same 2 share they did before CBS is happy. Right now I think they've got other concerns as apparently Partners and Made In Jersey did very badly.
Geli Date: Monday, 01-Oct-12, 5:20 PM | Message # 11
Messages: 92
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I agree with Sylvia. IMO all the acting was very good, but the story itself was not what I had anticipated. I especially wanted more info from Lorelei. I also wouldn't call it an interrogation, it was more a "chat" or private conversation. Maybe the solution for me could me not to watch any more promos and not read Bruno Heller interviews cause that just gets my hopes up and now I felt kind of let down. Of course I'm grateful to Bruno Heller for creating TM. No offence to anybody...
Lena Date: Monday, 01-Oct-12, 5:33 PM | Message # 12
Messages: 185
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I watched the episode one time but surely I need to watch it again to be able to better understand the dialogues (my English is not so good) but in general I understand the plot.
Bee, I agree with you it's fantastic to read the Simon's name like producer.
I liked the episode and when I'm watching it I was hoping to see more moments between Jane and Lorelei in interrogation, but I think this is the first episode and hope to see more in the coming.
I think it should be interesting to discover in which way and when Lorelei will return into the show.
beautyfulbabyboy Date: Monday, 01-Oct-12, 6:31 PM | Message # 13
True Blue
Messages: 782
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Since I watched the long awaited episode first thing this morning (and I LOVED it!), I had one thing going on in my head the whole day:
I don´t think RJ took Lorelei 1st because we know she will appear in further episodes and 2nd because couldn´t it very well be Jane arranged her escape somehow to keep her away from both FBI and RJ? Probably Jane´s apology to Lisbon, only one moment before it turned out Lorelei had vanished, was somehow referring to what he knew would happen?
Did anyone else think so?

So happy to finally have these discussions and mindgames going on again! cool

Message edited by beautyfulbabyboy - Monday, 01-Oct-12, 6:31 PM
Lena Date: Monday, 01-Oct-12, 6:49 PM | Message # 14
Messages: 185
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beautyfulbabyboy it's very an interesting remark, yes it could also be a Jane's plan to keep Lorelei away from FBI like he did to save Hightower.

Message edited by Lena - Monday, 01-Oct-12, 6:50 PM
beautyfulbabyboy Date: Monday, 01-Oct-12, 6:56 PM | Message # 15
True Blue
Messages: 782
Status: Offline
Yep, I also thought of Hightower - they where at the Pacific Palms as well, maybe a hidden clue?

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