Season4 Tweets by Other Crew/Cast
Fran |
Date: Tuesday, 13-Mar-12, 8:17 PM | Message # 346 |
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 4127
Status: Offline |
13th March 4.21 Ruby Slippers
"Good morning #Mentalistas! Just got out of Props and Transpo meetings (part of prep for #TheMentalist ep 4.22) #ChrisLong directing- yay!"
Reply to 'Is Bruno in Vegas?' - "Maaaaayyyyybe..."
"Casting for #TheMentalist ep 4.22 starts at 3. Wish us luck!... #ActorMojo"
"Thanks for the #ActorMojo, #TheMentalist fans -- casting went great! We found several good peeps. More casting tomorrow... G'night!" |
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Fran |
Date: Wednesday, 14-Mar-12, 9:21 PM | Message # 347 |
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 4127
Status: Offline |
14th March 4.21 Ruby Slippers
"Good morning, #Mentalists! Off to a Wardrobe meeting for ep 4.22. #SoLongAndThanksForAlltheFish"
"Next prep meeting for #TheMentalist ep 4.22: Stunts. #ChoBusiness @Ashley_Gable"
"We're officially picked up for next season, yay."
"Last prep meeting of the day for #TheMentalist ep 4.22: Casting! Send the #ActorMojo this-a-way... #SoLongAndThanks..."
"Moderate stunts in 4.22. But safety is always a priority, so we have stunts mtg even if it's not v. stunty."
"Casting for #TheMentalist 4.22 went great! Last casting sesh. #SoLongAndThanks ForAllTheRedSnapper"
"Up tomorrow: tech scout for #TheMentalist ep 4.22. Me with a bunch of sweaty men in a van all day. Good times! #not"
"#TheMentalist fans: send me questions and I'll try to answer after the tech scout tomorrow. #NoSpoilersPlease" |
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Fran |
Date: Thursday, 15-Mar-12, 8:09 PM | Message # 348 |
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 4127
Status: Offline |
14th & 15th March 4.21 Ruby Slippers
@NicholasGrava Filming on the backlot... Makes me miss #NYC #TheMentalist"!/NicholasGrava/status/180027778542993408/photo/1
"Rise&Grind at 430AM"
"Going on hour #13 of filming #TheMentalist"
"Getting surrounded by heaters on our night shoot #Ihatethecold"!/NicholasGrava/status/180515615528853504/photo/1
@itsSHANGELA (playing a Drag Queen) "On set at The mentalist today ... Day 1 ... Painted! ;)"!/itsSHANGELA/status/180337945432166400/photo/1
"Simon Baker is gorgeous.... Let's see how I'm gonna make this pic happen?!?!!"
"Halleloo and Trust! In the building."!/itsSHANGELA/status/180425420456468480/photo/1
"Fish in green! I love gowns.... #TheMentalist"!/itsSHANGELA/status/180432869578117121/photo/1 "The green dress is by designer Sherri Hill"
"Just hit 14 hours in drag and still shooting!!! What's the longest you've ever worn pumps???"
"Yesssss! At hour 16 they hooked a ho up with these SICKNING Ugg slippers. #MyToesSayWhat?!?"!/itsSHANGELA/status/180515887919546369/photo/1
Reply to 'how many days do you shoot for?' - "3 days" |
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Fran |
Date: Thursday, 15-Mar-12, 8:11 PM | Message # 349 |
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 4127
Status: Offline |
15th March 4.21 Ruby Slippers
"Good morning from stage 9. #TheMentalist. What will this hallway reveal? You'll have to watch episode 4.21 to find out!"!/TA4TV/status/180319516088205313/photo/1 |
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Fran |
Date: Thursday, 15-Mar-12, 8:14 PM | Message # 350 |
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 4127
Status: Offline |
15th March 4.21 Ruby Slippers
"#TheMentalist Question of the Day: Which teams would Patrick Jane pick for the NCAA Final Four? #basketball"
"JUST got back from #TheMentalist tech scout. All over hell & gone. OK, I'm looking through your questions now, may not get 2 them til 2moro"
Reply to 'Has it ever happened that you had to change a dialogue/scene at the very last moment?' - "Sure - we change stuff a lot, sometimes even on the stage as cameras roll. Part of the process."
Reply to 'What exactly is a tech scout?' - "A tech scout is director, writer and crew going to locations so director can tell us how he's going to shoot stuff. #prep" |
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lqnt |
Date: Thursday, 15-Mar-12, 9:12 PM | Message # 351 |
Ankle Biter
Messages: 32
Status: Offline |
Picture shared by @itsSHANGELA
'On set at The mentalist today ... Day 1 ... Painted! ;)' |
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Fran |
Date: Friday, 16-Mar-12, 0:43 AM | Message # 352 |
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 4127
Status: Offline |
4.21 Ruby Slippers
@DennisTong (another Drag Queen)
14th March "A-sha Madison is ready for primetime! Day 1 In her trailer on the set of CBS's The Mentalist"
15th March "Day Two of A-sha on CBS's The Mentalist @ Warner Brothers Studios"
"Giving you some Drag Race realness on The Mentalist"
"Best 14hr work day eva!" |
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Fran |
Date: Friday, 16-Mar-12, 8:10 PM | Message # 353 |
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 4127
Status: Offline |
16th March 4.21 Ruby Slippers
"Good morning, Mentalistas. Today for #TheMentalist ep 4.22 prep we've got a production meeting at 11. Home stretch!"
Reply to 'What happens first? The plot/script of the episode or the "red" name?' - "We always do story first, then think of titles.Titles R hard. I usually beg for help from others here. But #4.22 title was easy!"
Reply to 'will we ever see a Grace or Cho family member?' - "I bet we'll meet a Cho or Van Pelt family member someday, sure! (No current plans however.)"
Reply to Do the actors ever volunteer to do some of their own stunts?" - "Two words: #ChoBusiness"
"Happy Birthday to Mr. #TimKang! #ChoBusiness"
"A housekeeping announcement.We've bn asked2follow only Mentalist- and CBS-related peeps, so we're having 2clean up our follows. #apologies!"
"Keep the questions coming, folks! #NoSpoilersPlease"
Reply to 'Did police or FBI get any Red John DNA from Rosalind Harker's house? (even from tea cup)' - "I really, really doubt it. #RedJohnIsThatGood"
Reply to 'How far ahead do you think Bruno thinks? Does he do it season by season, or more long term, depending on writers ideas?' - "There is no telling what is in #BrunoHeller's big giant brain, but I suspect he sees things waaay far ahead. #BrunoKnowsAll"
Reply to 'When you watch the final show, do you ever think that it didn't come out the way you had imagined it when you wrote it?' - "Almost always. Sometimes it's better, sometimes it's worse, but it's always a bit different than what I imagined."
"#TheMentalist ep 4.22 production meeting went well!"
"Have a good weekend, Mentalistas! Monday is the last meeting of prep: the tone meeting for ep4.22."
"Reading #TheMentalist 4.23 now. How awesome is it? #SoFreakingAwesome" |
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Fran |
Date: Friday, 16-Mar-12, 8:13 PM | Message # 354 |
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 4127
Status: Offline |
16th March 4.21 Ruby Slippers
"How to come up with character names? #BrunoHeller uses football (soccer) stars from his youth." |
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Fran |
Date: Saturday, 17-Mar-12, 1:21 AM | Message # 355 |
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 4127
Status: Offline |
16th March 4.21 Ruby Slippers
"Just finished production meeting for episode 422. Only two more left."
Reply to 'what happens at a production meeting?' - "We go over details of the episode, basically to be sure we're all on the same page and have all that we need to shoot it."
"The production meeting is only one of numerous meetings for an episode. Hard to say how all of it works in 140 characters!"
"Friday night on the lot with #TheMentalist"!/TA4TV/status/180839975485583360/photo/1 |
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Fran |
Date: Tuesday, 20-Mar-12, 2:01 AM | Message # 356 |
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 4127
Status: Offline |
19th March 4.21 Ruby Slippers
@TheShawnRyan (another Drag Queen)
"On set in full drag make up awaiting our rehearsal."!/TheShawnRyan/status/181731364507357185/photo/1
"Last day on "The Mentalist". Love this Cast, Crew and show!!"!/TheShawnRyan/status/181829201148645377/photo/1 |
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Fran |
Date: Tuesday, 20-Mar-12, 2:02 AM | Message # 357 |
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 4127
Status: Offline |
19th March 4.21 Ruby Slippers
"#TheMentalist ep 4.22 About to start last tone meeting!" |
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Fran |
Date: Tuesday, 20-Mar-12, 7:42 PM | Message # 358 |
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 4127
Status: Offline |
20th March 4.22 So Long, and Thanks for All the Red Snapper
"Good Morning from the set of #TheMentalist"!/TA4TV/status/182100244551581696/photo/1
"Filming some great stuff for you guys episode 4.22! #TheMentalist #ChoBusiness"!/TA4TV/status/182181267222167552/photo/1 |
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Fran |
Date: Tuesday, 20-Mar-12, 9:26 PM | Message # 359 |
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 4127
Status: Offline |
20th March 4.22 So Long, and Thanks for All the Red Snapper
"Vote for Van Pelt's body double on our show @GingerBeauty1 She's pretty #RAD"
"Hey all. Dave Appelbaum here on the twitter this week. Send your questions along."
"Writers are already talking Season 5! Man, time flies." |
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Fran |
Date: Wednesday, 21-Mar-12, 0:34 AM | Message # 360 |
Fair Dinkum
Messages: 4127
Status: Offline |
20th March 4.22 So Long, and Thanks for All the Red Snapper
"Started filming episode 22 today. Hard to believe that we're almost done shooting Season 4..."
"One of the cameras we use on the show. Anyone know what it is? :)"!/Tim__Kang/status/182204390608863234/photo/1
"Actually, that question is next to impossible."!/Tim__Kang/status/182204762584915968/photo/1
"It's a Panavision handheld camera. Smaller than the ones we use on dollys."
"We are back for a 5th season! A huge 'thank you' to all of you for supporting us. Definitely would NOT be here without you! Tim" |
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